Thursday, September 5, 2024

What Are Heart Rate Zones

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Determine Maximum Heart Rate

Suunto 3 – How to train with heart rate zones

Once you learn your maximum heart rate , you can use heart zone training to gear your workout to the correct intensity. Your maximum heart rate is as fast as your heart can beat. This varies for each person, but age is generally used as a guide to estimate what your maximum heart rate is likely to be.

One of the easiest ways to determine your MHR is to subtract your age from 220. For instance, if you are 40 years old, your MHR is 180 .

You can also use the Tanaka formula, which is multiplying your age by 0.7, then subtracting that number from 208. So, for a 40-year-old, this calculation would also give an MHR of 180 = 180).

A more individualized number can be provided through testing by a personal trainer or as a function of some of the more expensive heart rate monitors. You can also use an age-based heart rate chart to find your target heart rates based on percentages of your max.

Why Does My Resting Heart Rate Fluctuate

You now know that there are many factors that can cause resting heart rate fluctuations. Its important to think about all of these if you observe any resting heart rate changes, as its likely to be a short term change. Its relatively normal if your RHR fluctuates a lot and, for example, you are having a varied sleep pattern, experiencing stress, taking medication, changing your training schedule, or are affected by hot weather.

There is a wide range of normal when it comes to your RHR so yours fluctuate, it wont often be cause for concern. However, if your RHR is consistently over 100 beats per minute, then you could have tachycardia, which could be caused by a heart rhythm disorder. Alternatively, if youre not a trained athlete and your RHR is below 60 beats per minute and you are dizzy or short of breath, you could have bradycardia. In either of these cases, its important to speak to a doctor so they can look at why your RHR fluctuates.

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K Training Plans To Get You Started

Length: 6 weeks, 5 days on and 2 days rest or cross-train

Recommended Experience: Spend the first 6 weeks building up to a 4-mile run or run/walk. Then use this plan, which peaks at 23 miles per week with an 8-mile long run.

Zone 2 is meant for runs under 90 minutes these longer, slower efforts serve as aerobic conditioning for distance runs, says Milton. Its also the zone that improves your bodys ability to use fat for energy , which makes it good for weight loss. Runners training for a half marathon or longer should aim to spend up to 80 percent of their training in this zone, adds Capell.

Zone 3 is where your body gets the most cardiovascular benefit, and its sometimes referred to as the aerobic zone, says Capell. When it comes to developing stamina and increasing aerobic capacity, zone three is the magic spot.Tempo runs, which are still predominantly aerobic, fall into zone 3, and generally last 30 to 45 minutes.

In Zone 4, youre using more of a mix of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, says Milton. These threshold runs help your body gets better at using carbs for energy and learn to withstand higher levels of lactate in the blood. When it comes to boosting your performance and increasing your lactate threshold, training in zone four is a must, adds Capell.

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Why Is My Resting Heart Rate Decreasing

As mentioned above, a low resting heart rate is often a sign that youre in peak physical fitness. However, in some cases, a low RHR could cause you to feel dizzy or exhausted. If youre experiencing these symptoms and are wondering why is my resting heart rate going down, then you should speak to a doctor. Its also good to remember that medications like beta-blockers are designed to slow your pulse down as they block adrenaline. So always be mindful of what prescription drugs you are taking and how they could be affecting your RHR.

Why Does Our Heart Rate Increase During Exercise

Heart Rate Science

When you perform exercise, your muscles require more oxygen. As oxygen is passed through your body via your blood system the heart needs to beat faster to consistently provide enough oxygen for your body to function.

Getting out of breath during exercise is a natural sign that your muscles are working. The more frequent that you exercise the more efficient your body will become at passing oxygen through the body.

Recommended Reading: Mayo Clinic Heart Rate

Does Garmin Automatically Adjust Heart Rate Zones

The Garmin Connect app will automatically set your heart rate zones during the initial setup. However, the app will lack data to make accurate calculations at first. Thats why it will use the 220 age calculation method.

It subtracts your current age from 220. So, a 20-year-old-person would have a maximum heart rate of 220 20 = 200 beats per minute.

As you can probably guess, this is not the most reliable method for calculating heart rate. Thats why we recommend manually adjusting the settings after the app setup.

Heart Rate Zone Calculator

The heart rate zone calculator finds your five HR zones, which can be used to estimate the intensity of your training. In the article below, you will find information about all the heart rate training zones and a guide on how to measure resting heart rate. You will also get to know the Karvonen formula, which we use to determine target heart rate training zones.

We try our best to make our Omni Calculators as precise and reliable as possible. However, this tool can never replace professional medical advice. If you are concerned about your health, please consult a physician.

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Vigorous: 77% To 95% Of Mhr

The vigorous heart rate zone is from 77% to 95% of your maximum heart rate. You are now in the vigorous-intensity zone. You will be breathing very hard and able only to speak in short phrases.

This is the zone to aim for when training for endurance. It spurs your body to improve your circulatory system by building new blood vessels and increases your heart and lung capacity. Aiming for 20 to 60 minutes in this zone is believed to give the best fitness training benefits.

With the increase in intensity, you burn more calories in the same amount of time, as you are covering more distance in that same time. The calories you burn depend most on distance and your weight. If you go farther in the same amount of time, you burn more calories per minute.

In the vigorous zone, you burn 50% of your calories from carbohydrates, less than 1% from protein, and 50% from fat.

You would typically be in this zone by running or cycling, but you could achieve it by racewalking or walking fast for an aerobic walking workout.

When you train at the high end of this range , this intense exercise will improve the amount of oxygen you can consumeyour VO2 max. This exertion level takes you to the limit where your body begins to produce lactic acid. Runners, cyclists, and racewalkers use this zone to build their ability to go even faster.

In the high end of the vigorous zone, the body burns 85% carbohydrates, less than 1% protein, and 15% fat.

Karvonen Formula For Estimating Hr Zones

How to Calculate Your Heart Rate Training Zones

There are five heart rate training zones. They are based on the intensity of training with regard to your maximum heart rate. The Karvonen formula is a mathematical equation that helps to determine heart rate ranges for different training zones.

It uses three different variables and looks as follows:

target HR = + resting HR


target HR – heart rate you need to achieve to be in the heart rate training zone

max HR – maximum heart rate. It’s expressed in beats per minute , and it’s the highest heart rate a person can achieve without experiencing severe problems

resting HR – resting heart rate. The number of times that your heart beats per minute when you are at rest and

%intensity – the intensity of the training expressed as a percentage. This value is different for each of HR zones.

The table below presents %intensities for all five of the heart rate training zones:


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You See The Big Picture

Training for a running event is bigger than any individual training session. The Polar M430 tracks all the different sports you do. Say, you go cycling instead of running. No worries! Tracked.

In addition to being your track-side coach, Polar M430 is your long-term training partner and advisor that tracks all your training so that the Running Program can suggest adjustments to your running plan on the go.

And if youre curious about what finish time you could aim for, take a look at the Running Index report on Polar Flow, visible at the bottom right. It estimates your finish times for different events, such as a half marathon.

This is what we mean when we say the Running Program is adaptive and personal.

Consider A Device That Monitors Your Workouts Properly

The main reason you should buy a tracker is to help you monitor your workout and heart rate zones. Most of these devices come with a timer feature that enables you to set the alarm at a specific interval. It will also help to use a stopwatch to monitor your session.

Besides, most trackers will allow you to be specific on your workout activity and show your heart rate. This includes walking, jumping, bike riding, running, or rope skipping. Some ideal devices such as Kore 2.0 are authentic and will even automatically pinpoint the type of activity even before you begin exercising.

It is also crucial to consider buying tracking devices that are water-resistant to use while swimming. If you want to confirm whether your device is water-resistant or not, it is best to check the IP rating. IP67 implies the gadget is designed for immersion in water for around 30 minutes. It will help if you consider selecting a suitable tracking device to monitor your heart rate and improve your training.

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Karvonen Heart Rate Zones

The Karvonen formula defines the following five zones, using two numbers two define each zone the lower and the higher end of it:

  • Zone1: 50% 60% intensity
  • Zone4: 80% 90% intensity
  • Zone5: 90% 100% intensity

The first three zones are aerobic, the last two are anaerobic. Your anaerobic threshold is around the 80% intensity.

After you apply these intensity numbers to the target heart rate formula you will have your heart rate zones.

Maximal: 96% To 100% Of Mhr

Heart Rate Zones

The top zone is from 96% to 100% of your maximum heart rate. You can’t go any higher and most people can’t stay in this zone for more than a few minutes. You will be unable to speak except for gasping single words.

This zone should only be used for short bursts during interval training, where you work intensely for a minute and then drop back down to a lower intensity for several minutes, then repeat.

While you burn lots of calories per minute in the maximal zone, 90% of them are carbohydrates, less than 1% protein, and 10% fats.

You should consult with your doctor to ensure you can work out at such a high heart rate safely.

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How Do I Calculate My Maximum Heart Rate And Resting Heart Rate

A common formula for calculating these variables is that your maximum heart rate should be roughly 220 beats per minute minus your age. So if youre 30, your heart rate max will be around 190bpm.

To work out the zone in which you should be training, you first need to determine your resting heart rate. Do this by lying down for 20 minutes and taking a reading of your heart rate lots of fitness trackers and wearables will do this for you as you sleep overnight. Some also offer max heart rate tests and will use both these variables to let you know your heart rate zones without any user maths.

But if you do want to do it manually, heres an example:

If your HRmax is 185 and HRrest is 65, then the following is how you calculate a 70% zone commonly targeted for fat burn.

  • Subtract your HRrest from HRmax to get your heart rate reserve: 185 65 = 120
  • Calculate the percentage youre aiming for based on your heart rate reserve: 70% of 120 = 84
  • Now add HRrest to this calculated percentage: 84 + 65 = 149
  • So for this example, if you wanted to work in the 70% heart rate zone youll be aiming for 149bpm.

Does The Average Person Need To Track Their Heart Rate

If you have heart disease, its important to learn target heart rates and monitor them as you exercise. For everyone else, the talk test works just fine, says Travers. Can you talk and carry on a conversation when youre exercising? Then youre in a heart-healthy, moderately easy zone. Dont stress about the numbers.

What matters most is that you make an effort to move more. Any exercise, for any length of time, will improve fitness. If tracking your heart rate makes you happy, then go for it. But if heart rate calculations become a stumbling block, forget about it. Your journey to becoming stronger and healthier is too important to let anything get in the way.

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What Exactly Is Heart Rate Training

Heart rate training usessurpriseyour heart rate, measured in beats per minute or as a percentage of your maximum heart rate , as a guide for intensity. Using that individual heart rate, you create specific training zones that help determine your intensity for a given workout, explains Capell. So instead of training by pace, you use personalized zones and a heart rate monitor to ensure your cardiorespiratory system is working at a specific effort for a set amount of time.

The idea behind heart rate-based training is to train your aerobic system without over-stressing your skeletal and muscular systems. By working out in each heart rate zone, youre making sure youre not just pushing yourself to the max, youre also holding yourself back from pushing too hard, which can help you avoid overtraining. And since your maximum heart rate is unique to you, using it to create training zones means youre getting a much more personalized workout.

Heart Rate Training Zone

Understanding & Calculating Your Heart Rate Zones 101

Author: Richard Weil, MEd, CDE

It seems as though the concept of a heart rate training zone has been around forever. But I wonder how many people really understand how it works. In this article, I discuss the concept and how to determine your own zone.

The Main Idea

A heart rate training zone is a range that defines the upper and lower limits of training intensities. It is calculated using an age-related predicted maximum heart rate and a special equation called heart rate reserve . The values are expressed as a percentage of maximum heart rate , and the range is based on metabolic systems in your body that fuel your muscles during exercise, and how hard you want to train. Training from 40% to 85% of HRmax is aerobic exercise . Aerobic means “with oxygen.” Training above 85% of HRmax is anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic means “without oxygen.”

The primary fuel during aerobic and anaerobic training is fat and carbohydrate, respectively, but it is very important to understand that both fuels are burned simultaneously at virtually all levels of exercise it is not just one fuel or the other, except at the very highest intensities . Resistance exercise and sprinting are examples of anaerobic training, whereas walking and jogging are typically considered aerobic, although you could walk or jog fast enough to make it anaerobic. It’s likely that you are working anaerobically if you’re out of breath during a workout and working aerobically if you’re only slightly out of breath.

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Why Should You Calculate Your Maximum Heart Rate

Heart rate-based training enables you to run at the right intensity in order to reach your training goals. In other words, training smart is better than always training hard.

Training intensity is divided into five heart rate zones from very light to maximum intensity. The heart rate zones are calculated as percentages of your maximum heart rate.

To determine your personal heart rate zones, you first need to know or estimate your maximum heart rate.

For example, within heart rate zone 4, youll be training at 8190% of your HR max and increasing your maximum performance capacity.

Alternatively, at heart rate zone 3 , youll be training at the slightly reduced level of 71-80% of your HR but you will still be improving the efficiency of blood circulation.

To determine your personal heart rate zones, you first need to know or estimate your maximum heart rate.

Calculate Your Aerobic Training Heart

This fat-burning range will lie between 50 and 75 percent of your heart-rate reserve.

Using the example above, 50 percent of 100 beats per minute is 50. And 75 percent of 100 is 75. Next, add your resting heart rate to both numbers: 50 + 80 = 130 and 75 + 80 = 155. Therefore, during aerobic training, the heart rate that will most efficiently burn fat is 130 to 155 beats per minute.

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