Wednesday, September 4, 2024

How Long Can You Live With Heart Failure

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What About Acute Liver Failure

Matt’s Story – From End-Stage Heart Failure to Recovery Video – Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Acute liver failure is often treated in the intensive care unit of a hospital. Supportive care is given to help stabilize the condition and control any complications during treatment and recovery.

If a medication overdose or reaction is suspected, drugs may be given to reverse the effects. A liver transplant may also be recommended for some people with acute liver failure.

You can help to prevent liver failure by making lifestyle changes that keep your liver happy and healthy. Here are some tips for improving liver health:

  • Drink alcohol in moderation, and never mix medications with alcohol.
  • Take medications only when needed, and carefully follow any dosing instructions.
  • Dont mix medications without first consulting your doctor.
  • Maintain a healthy weight theres a connection between obesity and fatty liver disease.
  • Get vaccinated against hepatitis A and B.
  • Be sure to have regular physicals with your doctor during which they perform liver blood tests.

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When To Seek Hospice Care

Even physicians have difficulty determining life expectancy for people with end-stage heart-failure. The condition can be unpredictable, and symptoms can change. However, certain signs can indicate that hospice care would be beneficial, including:

  • frequent chest pain
  • significant fatigue or shortness of breath
  • substantial decline in ability to do daily activities, such as self-care
  • The patient has already received the best possible treatment, which are no longer working well, and the patient is not a candidate for other interventions.
  • The patient has received the best possible treatment and has decided to decline further specialized interventions.

People can be reluctant to start hospice, as they may worry it means theyre giving up or that it will hasten death. But such concerns are unfounded. In fact, patients and families often wish they had started hospice sooner, because it makes such a positive difference in their lives. And research shows that early admission to hospice results in greater satisfaction with care among patients and family caregivers.

What You Can Do

Some risk factors of heart failure, like age, cant be modified. Still, people with CHF can take steps to improve the long-term prognosis. The first thing to do is to be familiar with any family history of heart disease. You’ll also want to learn about all the possible symptoms. Don’t ignore any symptom that you think is cause for concern. Tell your healthcare provider about them right away.

Regular exercise, along with managing any other health issues you may have, can also help to keep CHF under control.

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What Should I Do If I Have Chronic Heart Failure

Perhaps the best thing you can do for your kidneys is to take measures to prevent chronic heart failure. Stick to a heart-healthy diet. Keep your weight at a medically acceptable level. Do not smoke. Limit drinking. Do scheduled sessions of aerobic exercise and strength training. Drink at least six cups of water a day.

Helping Someone Manage Congestive Heart Failure

How Long Can You Live With Congestive Heart Failure

Whether your loved one lives alone, with you, or in a long-term care facility, you should encourage them to care for themselves as much as possible. Although you may be tempted to take care of everything for them, theyll feel better about themself if you help them perform tasks on their own. As long as theyre able, they should be involved in managing their symptoms and making decisions about treatment. By taking on too much responsibility for your loved one, you risk taking away their independence and exhausting yourself in the process.

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The Average Lifespan Of Patients Discharged From Hospital With Heart Failure

1Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, 2075 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, Ontario Canada M4N 3M5

4Cardiac and Secondary Prevention Program, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Toronto, Canada

5Keenan Research Centre, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michaels Hospital, Toronto, Canada

7Health Policy and Evaluation, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

How Long Can You Live With End

Heart failure is a chronic, progressive condition that worsens with each flare-up. Your outlook and prognosis are better if you are healthy overall, you have been following your treatment plan, and you are responding well to your treatments. Being willing to pursue invasive treatments like a heart transplant will also increase your life expectancy.

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How Long Can A Dog Live With Congestive Heart Failure

Prognosis for Dogs with Congestive Heart Failure A 2018 study found that even dogs presenting with advanced heart failure survived an average of approximately one year with changes in their treatment, with some dogs living nearly three years .


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  • What’s The Systolic Heart Failure Life Expectancy

    How long can a person live with Coronary Heart Disease?

    Systolic heart failure is an insufficiency of a heart caused by the malfunction of its left ventricle. This kind of HF is characterized by a low ejection fraction , also taken into account in this heart failure life expectancy calculator.

    EF is given in percent, and should be equal to around 50-70%. Mortality increases as the ejection fraction value . The smaller the EF, the shorter the estimated survival.

    Unfortunately, plenty of studies proved that the mortality in patients with systolic heart failure and low EF is higher than in those with preserved EF.

    For example: 1 year mortality rate for low EF = 26%, and for the high EF = 22%.

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    What Can You Do If You Have Heart Failure

    Heart Failure is a serious disorder and is usually a chronic illness. Many forms of Heart Failure can be controlled with medication, lifestyle change and correction of any underlying disorder. The success of your treatment plan depends on your active involvement. Following your treatment plan can make you feel better, prevent your Heart Failure from getting worse and help you live longer.

    What you can do:

    An Ejection Fraction Of 20 Percent Is Pretty Bad And If You Know Someone Whose Ef Is This Low Youll Wonder How Much Longer Their Survival Time May Be

    Three Year Survival Rate of 20% Ejection Fraction

    A report in the International Journal of Cardiology took a look at the survival of congestive heart failure patients with very low left ventricular ejection fraction.

    Low LV EF means that the left ventricle does not pump properly, resulting in an inadequate supply of blood for the rest of the body.

    The general rule is that a very low EF is a predictor of mortality.

    The study by Niebauer et al looked at 99 patients who all had ejection fractions of equal to or less than 20 percent.

    74 had ejection fractions of 11 to 20 percent. 25 had EFs of 10 percent or less.

    The patients were followed up after three years at which point mortality came in at 74 percent.

    However, it was determined that left ventricular ejection fraction was not a predictor of survival rate for these patients.

    So what was? Peak VO2 which was measured at the beginning of the study. Peak VO2 turned out to be a strong predictor of mortality.

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    Supporting Those Around The Patient

    Those close to the patient may also need emotional and practical support. They may need:

    • information about heart failure to help them understand the symptoms and treatment options
    • support if they’re caring for the patient
    • time to relax or look after their own health.

    If the patient’s heart failure is due to an inherited heart condition, their family may have concerns about their own health. Talk to them about their worries. It might be appropriate to refer immediate family members to a clinic which specialises in inherited heart conditions. This may have been done when the patient was first diagnosed.

    Inherited heart conditions services offer specialist assessment and investigations, genetic counselling and testing. GPs can refer to this service.

    What Are The Early Signs Of Heart Failure

    How Long Can You Live with Congestive Heart Failure? Symptoms &  Treatment

    The Heart Failure Society of America devised an easy-to-remember pneumonic of the early signs of heart failureFACES.

    F Fatigue

    HF patients may feel tired easily even when doing regular activities.

    A Activity limitation

    As mentioned, because HF patients get tired easily, their activities could be limited. You might find even find your usual activities hard to do without fatiguing quickly or shortness of breath.

    C Congestion

    Congestion refers to fluid build-up, a symptom of heart failure. Because of blockages in the lungs, you might find yourself dry coughing, or wheezing.

    E Edema

    You may notice signs of edema and swelling mostly around your ankles, legs, or feet.

    S Shortness of breath

    Because of fluid build-up in your lungs, it could be harder for your lungs to breathe in oxygen. Daily activities like mowing the lawn could be much harder to do.

    Keep in mind that theres no cure for heart failure. See your doctor the moment you spot these early signs of heart failure.

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    Stage Of Heart Failure And Life Expectancy:

    The lower your stage of heart failure is, the longer you will live. People with Stage A of heart failure, may live for about 20 years, if they check their lifestyle, eat healthy, drink healthy and exercise properly. People with Stage B may not realize the signs and symptoms as they take rest. However, while taking a flight of stairs, or while walking or running, they might feel breathless or tired. They will live slightly shorter than people with Stage A heart failure.

    However, research studies, as published in Circulation Research journal, in the August 2013 issue, have shown that about 50% of heart failure patients have lived for more about 5 years. About 10% of all their subjects have lived for about 10 years. However, in case the patient is in the Stage D, 90% of the patients will die within a year. That is how the stage of the heart failure is important in determining the life expectancy of the patients.

    Ejection Fraction And Its Importance

    Ejection Fraction is a key indicator of a healthy heart and is frequently used by physicians to determine how well your heart is functioning as a pump. Ejection fraction is the percentage of blood that is pumped out of the heart during each beat. In a healthy heart, 50-75 percent of the blood is pumped out during each beat. Many people with heart disease pump out less than 50% and many people with Heart Failure pump out less than 40%.

    Ejection Fraction is one of the many ways doctors classify the type and severity of Heart Failure and damage to the heart muscle.

    Ejection Fraction ranges

    • An Ejection Fraction above 50% indicates that your heart is pumping normally and is able to deliver an adequate supply of blood to your body and brain.
    • An Ejection Fraction that falls below 50% could indicate that the heart is no longer pumping efficiently and is not able to meet the bodys needs.
    • An Ejection Fraction of 35% or less indicates a weakened heart muscle. The heart is pumping poorly, which can significantly increase a persons risk for sudden cardiac arrest.

    Measuring your Ejection Fraction

    For Heart Failure patients, knowing your ejection fraction is just as important as knowing your blood pressure and your cholesterol. Ejection fraction is often measured using an echocardiogram, a simple and painless test often performed right in the doctors office. Ejection faction can also be measured with other tests including:

    • Echocardiography
    • Nuclear stress testing

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    Stage 4 Of Congestive Heart Failure

    Stage four of congestive heart failure produces severe symptoms such as rapid breathing, chest pain, skin that appears blue, or fainting. These symptoms may occur whether you are exercising or at rest. In this stage, your doctor will discuss if surgery is beneficial. Although there is no cure for CHF, you can avoid this condition by eating right, exercising, avoiding alcohol and illegal drugs, and maintaining a healthy weight.

    What Determines Life Expectancy

    Living with Heart Failure (Patient Interviews)

    Some things that affect your life expectancy with heart failure are out of your control, such as your age. Others, such as a healthy lifestyle, are not.

    Things that may affect life expectancy include:

    Ejection fraction. To get a better picture of your heart health, your doctor will check how well an area of your heart called the left ventricle pumps out blood. An echocardiogram is one test thatâs often used. It scans the heart and takes measurements to find out what percentage of your blood is being pumped out with each heartbeat. For instance, an ejection fraction of 55% means that 55% of your blood is being pushed out with each thump. A normal result usually falls between 50% and 70%, according to the American Heart Association.

    People with a reduced ejection fraction have one type of the condition. Itâs called heart failure with reduced left ventricular function. With the other type, heart failure with preserved left ventricular function, the percentage isnât below normal. But there are other changes, such as the heart becoming stiffer. âAfter the heart squeezes and pumps blood forward, it has to relax to fill with blood,â Lampert says. âWhen the heart muscle is stiff or unable to relax as blood is trying to rush in and fill it, itâs not very compliant, and so you can get that same results of fluid backing up into the lungs and other parts of the body.â

    Staging. There are four stages of heart failure, which indicate how serious your condition may be.

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    Stage 1 Of Congestive Heart Failure

    If youve been diagnosed with stage one of congestive heart failure, it is because a doctor has noticed a weakness in your heart. This news may be surprising, as stage one of CHF does not exhibit any symptoms. Although CHF cannot be cured, you can make healthy lifestyle changes and take certain medication to manage this condition.

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    Manage Depression And Anxiety

    Depression and anxiety are common in people with congestive heart failure. Feeling unwell, being unable to do some of the things they once enjoyed, and uncertainty about the future can all contribute to feelings of sadness. But if the person youre caring for seems consistently unhappy, they may be depressed. Look out for these signs of depression, and if you notice any, notify their doctor:

    • Frequent crying episodes
    • Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness
    • Poor appetite or increased appetite
    • Sleeping too much or not enough
    • Increased agitation and restlessness
    • Loss of interest in life
    • Expressing thoughts of dying or suicide

    Depression is a serious problem that requires evaluation and treatment. But you may be able to help manage your loved ones moods with these activities:

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    How Long Can You Live With Heart Failure

    Although there have been recent improvements in congestive heart failure treatment, researchers say the prognosis for people with the disease is still bleak, with about 50% having an average life expectancy of less than five years. For those with advanced forms of heart failure, nearly 90% die within one year.

    How To Live Longer With Heart Failure

    The Warning Signs of Clogged Arteries

    Everything you need to know about the various stages of heart failure to live longer with the condition.

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    A congestive heart failure diagnosis doesnt mean your heart has stopped working, it means that your heart is unable to pump enough blood throughout your body.

    Heart failure is a scary term, says , a cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. The condition can worsen if the proper steps arent taken to slow or halt the problem, but it does not mean your life is over.

    Congestive heart failure, more simply known as heart failure, occurs when there’s a reduction in blood flow throughout the body because blood flow from the heart slows down. That means blood returning to the heart through the veins backs up, causing congestion in the body’s tissues. That congestion may cause swelling in the ankles, legs, or stomach, as well as fluid in the lungs that causes trouble breathing.

    Life expectancy with congestive heart failure varies depending on the severity of the condition, genetics, age, and other factors. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , around one-half of all people diagnosed with congestive heart failure will survive beyond five years. Only around 10 percent of people diagnosed with the condition survive at least 10 years, according to a study published in August 2013 in the journal Circulation Research.

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    What Does Treatment Look Like

    Treatment for CHF looks different for every dog. Your vet will have to create a plan based on your pets history and whats causing the heart problem. Still, you can expect your vet to suggest the following:

    • Medications to help the heart function
    • Medications to help diminish fluid build-up
    • Medications to help reduce blood pressure
    • Surgery to implant a pacemaker
    • A prescription diet

    Some vets recommend supplements like vitamin B, taurine, and carnitine to help the body function and minimize symptoms.

    A: Patient Understanding Of Disease And Prognosis

    A1: Dealing with advanced heart failure and ageing

    Patient statements revealed different levels of perspectives related to heart failure, ranging from descriptions of their illness adaption to changing conditions , appraisal of their own quality of life , and their handling of information regarding their illness .

    A1.a: Perception of heart failure

    The patients described various experiences with symptoms of heart failure, in particular, limitations such as shortness of breath, dizziness, and restrictions in activities of daily living. Frequently, they did not perceive heart failure as a life-limiting, chronic disease with a long-term course, but rather as a disease with acute life-threatening events. The patients often believed their condition was a result of their old age and not a genuine illness. Medical definitions and personal experiences may diverge: Despite their specific diagnosis and treatment, the patients reported feeling well. Consequently, they may play down their symptoms and not take their medications. However, changes in the patients perceptions were sometimes observed when their condition worsened:

    Patient P1, T3 : But my heart, thats not really the problem. That is high blood pressure. Yes, I have that! Oh, yeah! You know, now now I have it under control. You know, I have never taken any pills. Yeah, and I watch out for my blood pressure. But if I say I take my tablets, that I do not do that anymore.

    A.1b: Adaption to changing conditions

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