Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Can Energy Drinks Cause Heart Attack

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Energy Drink Caffeine Content

Energy Drinks Causing Heart Attacks, ER Visits
  • Red Bull: An 8.4-ounce can contains 80 mg of caffeine
  • Monster: A 16-ounce can contains 160 mg of caffeine
  • Celsius Essential Energy: A 16-ounce can contains 200 mg of caffeine
  • Bang: A 16-ounce can contains 300 mg of caffeine

Many energy drinks contain well over 100 mg of caffeine, which is one reason why the American Academy of Pediatrics advises against any child or adolescent consuming them.

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health , 16-oz energy drinks contain anywhere from 70 to 240 mg of caffeine on average. Bang, a fast-growing company that has blown up on TikTok, offers 300 mg of caffeine in its 16-oz energy drink. This product even comes with a warning label stating that it is not recommended for children under 18 and should not be consumed with any other caffeine-containing products.

Find Out Why Massive Amounts Of Caffeine Can Pose Surprising Health Risks

Medically reviewed in June 2022

Its 2 p.m. Youre at your computer but wish you were in bed napping. You need a boost. You could go for the old standby of coffee or tea, but today you feel like you need an extra kick.

All-natural ingredients, the label on the energy drink reads. How bad could that be?

If I were an energy drink marketer, Id say We have naturally occurring ingredients that increase energy and focus, says Dale Yoo, MD, a cardiac electrophysiologist with Heart Rhythm Specialists in McKinney, Texas. But the problem with that is there are no known toxic ranges for a lot of these ingredients.

In other words, just because something is derived from nature, doesnt mean its always healthy.

Whats more, many manufacturers have proprietary blends of ingredientswhich means the exact constituents may not be completely clear to consumersand the U.S. Food and Drug Administration doesnt scrutinize these drinks.

It may sound like a healthy beverage, but you could be tripling or quadrupling your stimulant intake, Dr. Yoo says. In some cases, that could cause an irregular heartbeat and dangerous increases in heart rate and blood pressure.

Energy drinks and potential heart dangers Stimulants such as caffeine raise the heart rate and Yoo points out that anything that increases the heart rate has the potential to cause heart rhythm problems.


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It can be really dangerous to drink too many energy drinks, especially if you have an underlying heart condition.In a study, people with heart conditions who drank just 500ml of energy drinks ncreased their risk of cardiac arrest by almost a fifth. If youâre worried about your health, itâs best to avoid energy drinks altogether.

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Study Warns Us Of The Dangers

A team of researchers from the University of Houston in Texas wanted to examine whether energy drinks, which are becoming more and more popular among young people, affect the health of consumers negatively.

These facts are even more concerning when you consider the fact that teenagers and children usually drink these drinks without supervision or restriction. To this end, the researchers made sure that all the volunteers who participated in their study were in their 20s, non-smokers and without previous health problems.

The team, led by Dr. John Higgins, demonstrated that the combination of ingredients in the drink – caffeine, taurine, sugar and other herbal ingredients – could harm the lining of the arteries and veins of consumers.

Although the drinks contain only 80 mg of caffeine per 100 ml, the amount which is equivalent to three cans of Coke or one cup of instant coffee, after 90 minutes from the moment of drinking, the blood vessels of most of the subjects narrowed considerably.

According to the researchers, this narrowing of the blood vessels can cause serious impairment of their function.

Energy Drinks And Heart Attacks


There is growing evidence to suggest that drinking too many energy drinks can contribute to heart problems, and could even cause heart attacks. This is worse with people who have underlying structural heart disease, inherited heart-related problems, and abuse of other substances in addition to energy drinks. It doesnt just occur with these people though. It may be assumed the elevated risk is due to high levels of caffeine. However, these drinks also often contain things like guarana, taurine, theophylline, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, vitamins, and L-carnitine. These can increase the risk of heart attacks, especially when ingested with alcohol.

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Worst Drinks That Can Increase Your Risk Of A Heart Attack

If you want to live a long and healthy life, it’s absolutely crucial that you take good care of your heart. Roughly 805,000 Americans suffer from a heart attack each year that’s one heart attack every 40 seconds. And while there is no guarantee that you won’t experience a heart attack at some point in your life no matter your lifestyle, there are some changes you can make to help decrease your risk.

A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked. The cause of that blockage is primarily due to a buildup of fatty deposits, including harmful cholesterol , that ultimately form plaque. This buildup is known as atherosclerosis and can cause your arteries to narrow and harden, ultimately inhibiting blood flow. Heart attack is often a result of heart disease, specifically coronary artery disease .

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According to the CDC, about 1 in every 5 heart attacks are silent. This means that about 20% of individuals who have a heart attack won’t even know they had one, but the damage can still be harmful. Even though our heart health isn’t completely in our control, there are a few elements that are. One component, for example, that plays an enormous role in overall heart health is dietwhich includes beverages. When it comes to diet we oftentimes don’t think about the things we’re drinking as much as we think about the things we’re eating.

How Many Energy Drinks Will It Take To Cause A Heart Attack Here’s How Caffeine Can Kill

Anyone who’s ever had one too many cups of coffee will recognize the point at which caffeine stops being productive and starts to make one feel slightly ill, with shaky hands and a fluttering heart. But how much of the stuff does it take to kill you? How many energy drinks are too many energy drinks?

According to CaffeineInformer.com, caffeine overdose can lead to the jitters, feeling nervous and restless, elevated heart rate, nausea, anxiety, heart palpitations, insomnia, sweats, dizzy spells, vomiting and on occasion, heart attacks.

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Energy drinks, though, include a number of energizing ingredients in addition to caffeine, which come with their own unpleasant side effects. These include elevated risks of Type 2 diabetes , unfortunate interactions with certain prescription drugs, allergic reactions, surges in stress hormone levels, Niacin poisoning and more vomiting.

According to some college administrators, they may also translate to shaky judgment when it comes to sex and drugs.

But the human body can handle a fair amount of this unpleasantness before it ceases to function. How much and how many energy drinks a person can consume before they die depends on the individual. CaffeineInformer.com has a special calculator to help the energy drink imbibers determine how many of the stimulating beverages they can handle before their hearts give out.

– 98.1 cans of regular Red Bull

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For Both The Young And Old Energy Drinks Can Endanger Your Heart

Highly caffeinated energy drinks and energy shots may enhance sports performance and keep you alert and attentive. But hidden in their promise is the risk of getting too much caffeine and that can endanger your heart at any age. Drinks like Red Bull, Monster Energy, and Rockstar, or shots like 5-Hour Energy, are not the same as sports drinks or coffee. Energy drinks and energy shots contain up to 500 milligrams of caffeine per can or bottle compared with 100 mg in a typical cup of coffee, or about 50 mg in 12 ounces of caffeinated soda. Whatâs more, many energy drink labels donât accurately disclose caffeine levels, found a Consumer Reports investigation, and theyâre also not FDA-regulated.

As the number of energy drink-related emergency room visits is rising from about 1,500 in 2005 to over 20,000 cases in 2011, according to a government report experts also worry about toxic combos of energy drinks and illicit drugs. Though energy drinks are popular with young people, the largest increase in ER visits was in people over 40. Here are several ways energy drinks may endanger your heart and your life.

Should You Avoid Energy Drinks It Depends

Just ONE Energy Drink Can INCREASE Risk of HEART ATTACKS

There are several things you want to consider before picking up your first or next energy drink, the primary one being the caffeine content.

The body typically takes about 45 minutes to fully absorb caffeine after ingestion, taking anywhere between 15 minutes and two hours to reach peak levels in the blood, according to a review article Willett coauthored and published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

But how long you feel its effects runs on a different schedule. The half-life of caffeine in adults is about two and a half to four and a half hours. In contrast, the half-life of caffeine in newborns is about 80 hours.

Still, this metabolic process can vary dramatically depending on a persons activity levels, medical history, and tolerance to the stimulant. For example, adults who are more sedentary, have high blood pressure, are taking medications that already affect the heart, and have never had caffeine are more vulnerable to negative effects from caffeinated energy drinks.

Then there are activities like smoking, which accelerates caffeine metabolism, reducing its half-life by up to 50%. Birth control and pregnancy, on the other hand, slow it down, meaning caffeines effects are felt for much longer.

Genetics also play a role in how your body breaks caffeine down. Borgaonkar, the Houston-based cardiologist, said smaller studies have suggested that people who metabolize caffeine slower may face greater cardiovascular risks, but more research is needed to prove this.

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Can 1 Energy Drink Hurt You

According to experts, healthy adults should limit their energy drink intake to roughly one can per day because they are loaded with synthetic caffeine, sugar, and other unnecessary ingredients that can do more harm than good.

What monster does to your body?

Its not hard to see that energy drinks can cause a myriad of health problems. The extra sugar in an energy drink might keep you awake for a while, but its going to contribute to insulin resistance, diabetes, tooth decay, and diabetes. That powerhouse of caffeine? Itll push your blood pressure up quickly.

Can a Monster Energy Drink cause a heart attack?

Fatal or not, a heart attack is a heart attack. When the heart rate is much faster than normal it means that you are a patient of tachycardia. It isnt a good idea to fall for this disease. However, an increase in the heart rate is inevitable when consuming a monster energy drink.

How many people have died from Monster Energy Drinks?

HAGERSTOWN, Md.The highly caffeinated Monster Energy Drink has been cited in five deaths and one non-fatal heart attack, according to reports that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is investigating.

The Heart Houses Take

While the study participants were both young and healthy, the increase in QTc interval and blood pressure is still a concern. Long-term use and even abuse of energy drinks, which seems to be an ever-greater trend, may create an earlier and higher risk of heart disease in the future. According to the study, approximately 30% of teenagers drink energy drinks regularly.

It is well known that energy drinks can cause adverse heart effects, not least of which are heart attacks. Even after the immediate and mid-term effects of these drinks, there are the lifestyle effects of excess caffeine consumption including poor sleep, trouble focusing and longer-term withdrawal effects that can all adversely affect ones health.

With this study, it becomes even more clear that patients with higher risk of cardiovascular disease or those with blood pressure issues should avoid energy drinks and instead derived their energy from daytime rest, prioritizing healthy levels of sleep at night and staying well hydrated all of which can offer a similar energy boost and are all, in fact, protective factors against heart disease.

1 Shah SA, Szeto AH, Farewell R, et al. Impact of High Volume Energy Drink Consumption on Electrocardiographic and Blood Pressure Parameters: A Randomized Trial. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2019 8. doi:10.1161/jaha.118.011318.

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Drinking Too Many Energy Drinks Can Cause Sudden Heart Attack Study Reveals

Scientists have warned that energy drinks can “lead to catastrophic events via lethal arrhythmias”, with sudden cardiac arrest often occurring without warning

Drinking too many energy drinks, which contain huge amounts of caffeine, can be dangerous and could even cause a sudden cardiac arrest, a study has found.

Another common ingredient in those sort of drinks in guarana and that can lead to unexpected reactions when combined with other elements.

Guarana is often mixed with ginseng or taurine to improve flavouring but the authors of the study, published in the Anatolian Journal of Cardiology in 2017, said there was a risk of “unexplained cardiac arrests in young people after consuming energy drinks”.

They wrote: It seems clear that energy drinks, some beverages, and some supplements that include stimulants might lead to critical and rarely irreversible cardiovascular events in the young population.

The risk increases even more if energy drinks are consumed with alcohol and while caffeine is generally safe to drink, it can be harmful to people in consumed in excess.

Scientists have warned that energy drinks can “lead to catastrophic events via lethal arrhythmias”, with sudden cardiac arrest often occurring without warning.

This is triggered by an electrical malfunction in the heart that causes an irregular heartbeat, known as arrhythmia.

More than 90% of the 42,000 people diagnosed with bowel cancer every year are over the age of 50, but it can affect people of any age.

It Can Be Difficult To Consume Energy Drinks Safely

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While a single energy drink may contain less than the 400 mg of caffeine considered safe by the FDA, people who rely on these drinks might find themselves consuming more than one to feel the same effects.

A 2015 study of nursing students using energy drinks to stay awake while studying for exams found that some of the students consumed as many as 30 energy drinks in a week.

The effects that they might feel early on when they take these energy drinks and feel more awake and feel more stimulated tend to wear off in time, Gulati said.

Some athletes also use energy drinks for performance, but experts say it is important to discuss the pros and cons with a trusted healthcare provider first.

Dont assume food and drink manufacturers have your best interests at heart, Gulati said. Theyre just trying to sell something to you.

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How Much Caffeine Is In Bang Energy Drink

A 16 fl.oz can of Bang Energy contains 300mg of caffeine, which is a pretty high amount for an energy drink of its size.

With 300mg of caffeine, Bang is one of the highly caffeinated energy drinks out there which offer quite a punch to keep you awake for those all-nighters and graveyard shifts.

If your caffeine tolerance happens to be similar to mine, which is around 50mg to 100mg per drink, 300mg of caffeine would certainly be a bit too much for your liking.

That said, whether you can handle Bangs high caffeine content or not depends on your caffeine metabolism and how sensitive you are to caffeine.

Its also important to keep in mind that the FDA advises a maximum caffeine intake of up to 400mg per day for healthy adults. Excessive consumption of caffeine could eventually lead to adverse effects like:

  • Rapid heart rhythm

Plus, be sure to look out for the warning label on the Bang Energy can, which states the amount of Bang you can have in a day and the potential negative effects of too much caffeine.

In any case, be sure to moderate your Bang Energy intake and monitor the number of caffeinated beverages you consume in your overall diet.

How Much Caffeine Is Safe

According to the Food and Drug Administration , 400 milligrams of caffeine per day is safe for most adults. Thats the amount youd get from about 4 cups of coffee or around a dozen 12-ounce cans of Coca-Cola.

For young adults, the caffeine recommendations are much less.

If an adolescent is in taking caffeine, the maximum that they should intake per day is 100 milligrams, Priscilla Mpasi, MD, a pediatrician and region II chairperson with the National Medical Association, told Verywell.

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Who Usually Drinks Energy Drinks

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health states that men between the ages of 18 and 34 years consume the most energy drinks, and almost one-third of teens between 12 and 17 years drink them regularly.

Energy drinks are one of the fastest growing products in the beverage market. Monster Beverage Corporation, Red Bull, Coca-Cola, Rockstar Inc., and PepsiCo are a few of the many companies with a high market share in the energy drinks segment, and these companies promote their beverages through advertising, and sports players and celebrity endorsement. These drinks are marketed towards teens and young adults and are often promoted in conjunction with sporting events, such as extreme skiing, motorsports, and skateboarding. Its not surprising, then, that adolescents and young adults are drawn to energy drinks. The CDC notes that many school districts sell these beverages in vending machines, school stores, and snack bars.

Adults, too, are often drawn towards energy drinks as they serve as an alternate way to get caffeine and that pick me up without needing to drink coffee, tea, or soda.

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